
Sustainability Policy / Promotion Structure

Fundamental Policy on Sustainability-Related Initiatives

In its “VISION 2025” medium-term management plan, the Group has defined “Driving Digital Transformation” as its mission for the future, aiming to contribute to the arrival of Society 5.0 and its continuing development as a highly efficient, smart society achieved by leveraging data and digital technologies. Based on this perspective, the Group’s fundamental policy on sustainability-related initiatives is as follows.

(Fundamental Policy on Sustainability-Related Initiatives)
Based on the understanding that increasing corporate value and the continuity of business are intertwined with the sustainable growth of society, the Group will contribute to the sustainable development of a more prosperous society by providing a variety of solutions through its business activities. In addition, we will refer to various ESG frameworks and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as we strive to achieve the sustainable development of the Group and increase corporate value by seeking solutions to issues based on an awareness of the material issues shown below.

Governance and Risk Management Relating to Overall Sustainability

Aiming to contribute to the sustainable development of society through its business, in June 2022, the Group established the Sustainability Committee. The committee operates under the direct control of the President and reports to the Board of Directors. Companywide risk management is handled by the Risk Management Committee, but the Sustainability Committee leads efforts related to sustainability, including addressing climate change risks, from gathering information to identifying risks and opportunities, reflecting these in business strategy and advancing related activities. The committee reports on its activities to the Board of Directors.