Information Security Policy
Established:February 19, 2009
Revised:September 25, 2020
Basic Policy
The Company recognizes that protecting the information assets entrusted to the Company by customers and business partners and the information assets of the Company is a serious social responsibility. In order to fulfill this responsibility, we strive to properly handle, manage, protect, and maintain information assets in accordance with the following guiding principles.
Guiding Principles
1.Management system
- We strive to clarify our information security management system and appropriately manage information assets through the formulation and maintenance of internal rules and other similar things.
2.Compliance with laws and regulations
- We comply with laws, regulations and other social norms related to information security, and strive to ensure information security.
- We strive to raise awareness and ensure thorough implementation among all officers and employees by providing continuous information security education.
4.Management and protection of information assets
- We strive to protect information assets by appropriately managing information assets to prevent unauthorized access, loss, theft, falsification, leakage, etc.
5.Response to incidents
- Although we strive to prevent incidents, in the event of an incident, we will promptly take appropriate response and measures to prevent recurrence.
6. Maintenance and improvement
- We strive to regularly review and continuously improve initiatives necessary to ensure information security.
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