Anti-Corruption / Anti-bribery
Anti-Corruption / Anti-bribery
In attempt to prevent compliance violation and improve corporate ethics, the Group has formulated and disseminated the Policy of Ethics, which sets forth standards and code of conduct to be complied by officers and employees, as well as the Compliance Regulations with the purpose of deepening their understandings on laws, regulations and internal rules while encouraging them to take continuous actions which comply with laws and regulations. We have established Guiding Principles, which include “Compliance with the Antimonopoly Act and other related laws,” “Compliance with the Act against Delay in Payment of Subcontract Proceeds, Etc. to Subcontractors,” “Prohibition of unfair competition,” “Prohibition of giving and receiving cash or cash vouchers with the exception of those things considered appropriate under socially accepted conventions, such as money or gifts given at a funeral as a form of condolence or other ex gratia payments of money” and “Prohibition of entertaining or exchanging gifts with customers or suppliers to an extent that exceeds the scope of what is considered appropriate under socially accepted conventions” in our Policy of Ethics. As part of our fraud prevention initiatives, we have established measures to prevent illegal transactions including round-tripping by stipulating the handling of gifts and entertainment, establishing a system to scrutinize the content of such gifts and entertainment, and ensuring their appropriateness based on standards for handling transactions involving risk.
In addition, we have promoted initiatives for detecting and correcting any activity, such as corruption and bribery, that deviates from compliance at an early stage, as we strive to prevent violations by continuously implementing internal training intended to clarify examples for violation, and establish an internal reporting system for action that violates the Policy of Ethics. These efforts are regularly monitored by the Compliance Committee and reported to the Board of Directors, with a view to strengthening the monitoring system to prevent corruption and bribery within the Group.