To Individual Investors

Market Environment and Financial Forecast

Business Plan Assumptions

At the financial briefing held on April 28, 2023, we explained the business plan assumptions, and the flow of the financial forecast for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2025, the final year of the VISION2025 Medium-Term Management Plan.
The fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 was a phase of rapid growth with the steepest increase throughout the VISION2020 and VISION2025 medium-term management plan. The EC Business greatly exceeded its segment financial indicators and drove company-wide performance. In the background to this result was extremely robust demand for semiconductors, strong IT investment, and a substantial decrease in the value of the yen compared to the previous year.
The fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 will be an adjustment phase. In the background to this, there will be some variation in semiconductor demand by sector, but overall, demand will be down year-on-year. We are expanding our trade rights, but we anticipate a sales decline caused by a shift to direct sales by semiconductor manufacturers and other factors. A significant contribution to results from the newly acquired semiconductor trade rights is expected to start in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025.
The fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, which will be the final year of the VISION2025 plan, is expected to be a growth phase for both sales and profits. Factors in the background to this development include, in the EC Business, recovery in a wide range of fields of the semiconductor market, in the CN Business, strong IT investment as well as higher profitability resulting from expansion of the service business, and in the PB Business, accelerated manufacturing of products as difficulty procuring parts and materials eases and higher profitability resulting from the introduction of new products.

Financial Forecast for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2024

This is the financial forecast for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024.

We plan on net sales of 230,000 million yen, a year-on-year decrease of 10,350 million yen, operating income of 12,000 million yen, a year-on-year decrease of 478 million yen, and net income of 8,450 million yen, a year-on-year decrease of 328 million yen.